samedi 6 février 2010

My place in a couple of pix.

The entrance.

The main room or sitting room whatever you would call it. The room in the back is actually my bedroom the smallest of the three but I guess I don't have much to put in it so it's fine.

My bedroom.
I just have space for a bed and a wardrobe, I wish I could have a little more space for a desk but well ...

The Kitchen.

The Bathroom

Back of the house you'll find a little outside place with BBQ seats and a staircase leading to probably to coolest place of the house...

... The roof.
I didn't really used it yet because we are just middle of the winter (even if since I am here the weather is faaaaabolous, feels like spring.

Downtown Denver from the roof

Pre-school time very summerized résumé

... Other than going to gym and try to put myself into it well I've not been doing much the 3 first weeks.
Tried to read a little didn't go that well (always some good stuff on tv :-D).
I did walk quite alot around downtown guetting all paperwork done (phone, bank account etc...)
Been out a couple of times, cool going-away-on-a-mormon-mission-party, movies, guetting drunk with Phil and Sean, two guys that are coming quite (try very) often at our place, etc...

And I guess trying to fit into a new town.
For example, I am only guetting used to speak and hear English 100% of the time wich, I didn't know before leaving Belgium, is very tiring, translate all information from english to french then thinking of a response from french to english >>Brain damages :-)
Wich I don't really do anymore... cool.

Anyway, has a conclusion to a very summarized 3 first story; it has probably not been a very exciting 3 first weeks. Felt a little bit lonely and lost in this new place but I guess it is normal.
Not to worry, things changed about a week ago with my 1st day of school...

Gym time

I've been putting my blog on the side for a while... well that's because I am not really a big writter or photograph but I guess I have to take one for the team.

I've just finished my 1st week at school but I guess that will come later.

First things first, I apologize for being a lame blogger to everyone that is following me through this blog.

(Couple of houses around my block... looks like the ghetto :-P)

Tomorrow, will actually be the 1st month anniversary of my young but fulfilling trip to Denver.

What have I been doing all that time (pre-school time)?

Well that's a good question.
I mostly tried to put myself into my working out again (I guess last month in Brussels wasn't my best gym time)

So the following day of my arrival into Denver I went straight downtown to find myself a new gym ... wich I did.

Forza gym, located Downtown includes steamroom, pool, hot tub, Basketball court etc...
I love that place but well it has a price... $125 my first month (I did find cheaper but I loved the ambiance and it's probably the nearest gym to my place (well I found a couple of other gym around).
Probably the worst $125 I've spend, not for the place but for what happened;
After 1 month of non-training period, I started to hard (got excited and wanted a new start) conclusion, small but annoying injuries during the whole month (I am working on them)

But otherwise I've been working out with a couple of NBA player, that is COOL

The big Shaq on my first dumbell pressing on the bench next to me was
definitely the highlight (btw this is not a picture taken at the gym).

A couple of LA Clippers player another day!

That's about it.
Stay tuned new post coming in a couple of min.