mardi 12 janvier 2010


(Downtown Denver from my block)

Well I've done 4 complete days in Denver now and what can I say... well the least of it is that living in the States is so different than in Europe.
I am just starting to get use the Denver time zone (-8 hours compared to Brussels) so I am actually awake very early and feeling tired in the late afternoon.


(My place)

(Random Picture taken downtown)

The 1st thing I can say is that I feel kind of lost here; new town, new people, new language. I need to build up everything around me.
Guetting used to speak only english is kind of hard for the moment, I didn't had problems in Brussels where I spoke english maybe 5% of the time but once it's 100% english... well my brain gets very tired. I do have time to practice and get use to that.

(Random Pix)

More to come.

dimanche 10 janvier 2010


For those who would be interested in what NPTI is and what it has to offer you, you have all info on !

Stay tuned


In the start, I didn't want to create a blog but we are day 3 of my trip and I am already tired of telling the same stories over and over again. :-)

I'll be doing the blog in english 'cuz ...well I need to perform my writting and so everybody will understand (alright maybe not the french speaking people ;-) ).
My english is probably not the best so I will thank my father in advance for not correcting me every two sentences and all other people wanting to fuck around :-D.

My story for those who didn't follow;

Well my name's Alexander and I am 22.

Why am I in the States, well ... it' s a long story but to make it short, I am here because I want to be a personal trainer and because studies doesn't suits me very well.
About one year ago I just told myself that I had to start doing the things I wanted to and started to search for an education specialized in Fitness and that's when I found out NPTI (National personal training institute)...
NPTI offers a 6 months program with intensive courses. Well 6 months is a long time but I guess it's better than most of the things I found.
Between only reading a book and take an online test, two weeks formation or even a week-end formation, 6 months seems very good!
Only America has that type of program in my knowledge and well English IS IMPORTANT... and yeah who doesn't want to try the American Dream?!!?


Next question:
Why Denver? Who the hell would, as the tourist, go to Denver?

Well, I didn't had the choice, as a none US citizen I could either choose Denver or Colorado springs. Colorado springs doesn't have any NFL, NHL, NBA, (soccer or MLB for that matter) team...
So Denver it is.

So here we are the morning of my departure, the 7th of January 2010... the day I've been talking about for a bit more then 1 year (well I didn't know that it would be that particular day. I just knew the D-day would come). In that one year, nobody believed in me, somehow I felt like the kid that screamed after the wolf!

Anyway stay tuned more to come.


PS: I am awesome (pour toi West)